Saturday, April 11, 2009

How to Annoy Me

When you are announcing the birth of your child to the world on Facebook (or anywhere, really) be sure to note that your baby was 6'12" instead of 6 lbs 12 oz.

I saw this posted this morning (not only on the proud papa's status, but also the proud aunt's and proud gramma's) and immediately wondered how someone gave birth to such a GIANT of a baby. Then for another brief moment I wondered why they didn't just say the baby was seven feet. Finally it actually dawned on me what they were intending to say. Maybe I'm knit-picky? Maybe I'm dense? Perhaps and perhaps. But I seriously did feel confused for a few seconds.

Bet you thought my next post after an 11 day hiatus would be a bit more interesting, eh? The posts in my head have been. However, BB will be waking up shortly and this was on my mind at this precise moment.


ML said...

I read this and laughed! I could have sworn that my BFF was writing this...she gets weird about things like that too :-) xo

cuddles said...

I'm certain your BFF must be a fantastic person! ;o) xo

Emilie said...

I can absolutely identify! Those little things bother me, too...I have to refrain myself from not sending an e-mail and correcting the mistakes. :) Don't get me started on spelling mistakes, too....

cuddles said...

Ah, Emilie! I like you more and more each day! :)