Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So Grateful for Everything I Have

This morning while I was travelling out of town to Big Brother's head office I heard an interview on the CBC that absolutely broke my heart. They were talking to a man from here in Freddy who is staying at a local hotel with his four and a half month old son. The baby's mother abandoned her baby and the baby's father. (I can't understand how. I can't help but hope that there's a logical explanation, like post-partum depression or something. Not that anyone should have to suffer from that, but the idea of a mother walking out on her baby seems completely unthinkable to me.) The baby's father has quit his job to care for the infant, has lost their apartment because of his lack of money, and is now staying at the hotel on the generosity of local churches and other organizations. They are supposed to move into government assisted at the beginning of August, but he didn't know how he would be able to continue to keep a roof over his baby's head until that time.

As I was listening to this interview, I had tears streaming down my face. And I caught myself yelling at the radio a time or two. At one point the interviewer asked the father if he felt that being with him was really the best place for him to me. I was yelling, "YES!" And I was happy to hear the father firmly state the same thing. The interviewer also asked what the father knows about parenting. What do most of us know about parenting, really? Keep the baby safe, fed, and loved. Beyond that, I just do what comes naturally most of the time. I'm sure this father is doing the same thing. I understand that the interviewer was just doing his job by asking these questions, but they felt so doubtful of this man who is doing everything in his power to take care of his son and keep what is left of his family together. Personally, I think he must be an amazing person. He must be very strong. He must love his son VERY much.

As I listened to the story, I made up my mind that when I got home tonight I would figure out a way to pay for a night at the hotel for them. I felt that I had to do something. This family needs the support of the community right now. But after the story they gave an update. The firefighters at the new fire station in town have generously offered to pay for the hotel room for this family until their new home is ready for them. I love that this story has a happy ending. It may not be a fairy-tale ending, but at least some of the weight has been lifted from the father's shoulders for now.

There's a sweet picture of baby Tobias here.

Motherhood has changed me. I'm a different person than I was a little over 14 months ago. The new me is a better person. Far from perfection, but my heart is bigger and that counts for a lot.


Mr. & Mrs. said...

Oh my goodness! Like you, I cannot imagine what would have to be going through that womans mind to do something like that.
I am only 4 months pregnant, and I am already so in love with this child without even know their gender, or name!
I am glad you shared this story. I went to the website link you provided and noticed that a few people commented about bringing gift cards etc. to the hotel they are staying at.
I will speak to my mother who is in the area and ask her to do the same!

ML said...

Wow! I cannot even imagine what that little family is going through. Kudos to you for wanting to help them out too!

xo ML

cuddles said...

I wasn't in love with BB until he was actually here and with me. It sounds cold to say now, but it's the truth. But once he was here, and I finally got to spend some time with him (I only had a minute with him before they took him to the NICU for most of his first day of life), I fell so deeply in love with him. I was blindsided by the love I felt for him. I couldn't imagine ever leaving him.

My understanding is that they have received an outpouring of community support, thanks to the stories the CBC has run on them. Local media can be a wonderful thing. I hope that everything works out for them once they get a more permanent roof over their heads.

xx to you both.