Sunday, November 23, 2008


This has been one of the best weekends ever. We woke up with a blanket of snow yesterday, so DH ended up staying home with me and BB. I'm not fond of the snow, but it was so nice to have a family day. My brother and his girlfriend came over to visit with us in the afternoon, and my parents babysat last night while DH and I went to a surprise party for a friend.

It was a big deal for me to leave BB with my parents. They've babysat him before, but this time they had to put him to bed (sans nursing, of course!) But DH had no issues with putting BB to bed last Tuesday night when I went out with the girls, so we thought we'd give it a try. No issues at all! (Or at least none that my parents admitted to me!) He woke up at 23:20 looking to nurse, which was fine with me, especially since we had just gone to bed and I hadn't fallen asleep yet, and then he slept until after 07:00 this morning! It was nice to get out and see so many friends again, and it was great being out with DH too.

We're having another quiet day at home today. It's been wonderful lounging with a coffee and chatting with DH while BB plays. My friend KM called and told me that she is pregnant and due next June. I'm so incredibly excited for her! Right now BB is napping, and I'm making a big batch of sweet potatoes for him. I hope he likes them. Such a wonderful weekend!

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