Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bets, Anyone?

I'm placing my money on being about 12 weeks along.  Does anyone else want to place a wager?  I'll know in a few hours!  Yippee!


Unfortunately, DH is unable to join me today when I get my first glimpse of our new little one.  Because we've been keeping it a secret, he didn't feel right telling his boss about the appointment and he has an important meeting during the same time.  I would have been okay with him telling his boss so that he'd be able to join me, but I also understand the importance of this meeting.  Besides, there will be at least one other ultrasound.  I had so many ultrasounds while I was pregnant with BB, I wasn't the least bit surprised when I saw him in person.  It felt like I had been watching him for months.  It was fantastic.  Well, having potential issues wasn't fantastic, but getting to watch him grow was fantastic. 


I'll try to post an update sometime soon! 


Emilie said...

Just for the fun of it - 11 weeks! Of course, Mama knows best, but I just want to place a bet. Enjoy meeting your little one!

Mr. & Mrs. said...

Hey, check out this post, it might interest you :)

Mr. & Mrs. said...

Update us already! I've been waiting to hear something! :D