The dryer died last night after I went to bed. Hubby was drying the 'mediums' (our stuff that isn't dark, but isn't white either) and they didn't dry. He didn't tell me last night, because he didn't want me to not sleep thinking about it, so he told me this morning. Luckily he was able to get a repair man here before noon. Amazing. But I was a bit (okay, very) nervous. You see, I hate strangers coming into my house if I'm home alone. I'm not sure if it has to do with being robbed while I was working in SJ five years ago, or if it is from the 'incident' I suffered through in junior high, or I'm just plain messed up. Then when Hubby called to say that the repair man would be here in half and hour I was even more upset, because I was just about to feed BB. So, I started feeding (actually, I ran downstairs first and tried to do a quick vacuum, but it was pointless... so much dog hair everywhere, and it clogged the damn vacuum) and he arrived halfway through the first side. So I popped BB off and went to the door. The second I laid eyes on this old guy, I knew he was harmless and we'd be okay. However, I was expecting a hissyfit from BB since he didn't get to complete his feeding. He was okay too though! Hurray! He ended up puking what he had managed to eat all over the basement floor, but he didn't complain. The repair man was gone within 30 minutes, and we were left with a $170 bill. Not the end of the world, and less than a new dryer, but still a bit much since we just had to have our satellite for the Internet repaired, and that cost > 500$. :( Hopefully this isn't one of those things that comes in threes.
On another note, since the dryer was broken, and I didn't know when it would be fixed (and this has been the rainiest summer in quite a while, so hanging cloth diapers outside would not be an option) I switched to disposable diapers this morning. I ended up only needing to use two before the dyer was fixed. But on the very first one, BB managed to leak through it and onto his clothes. That doesn't happen with the cloth. I've said this a hundred times, but the cloth diapers are so much better than the disposable!
We have a busy weekend ahead. A friend from work is getting married tomorrow at 6:30, so we're going to his wedding and leaving BB with mom and dad. I'm soooo nervous (see yesterday's post about not trusting anyone to take care of him!) and I'm worried that he's going to cry his head off while we're gone, and then they're going to lie to us when we get home and pretend he was fine so that I won't wait forever before letting them babysit again. That irritates me. I feel like I need to set up a video camera or something to see what is really going on while we're away. Then on Sunday morning, friends from NS are going to mom & dad's, so I have to take BB down to meet them. They were up on the long weekend in May to take their daughter, CH, home to NS for the summer from STU, but BB was only a week or so old then, so mother didn't really push for a visit with them. I'm looking forward to seeing them. I hope that the in-laws don't decide to come down this weekend. This is supposed to be our "family weekend" (i.e. no parents allowed, otherwise we'd have company every bloody weekend), but the in-laws didn't come last weekend, so I'm sure they're going to decide to come this one. Effword. SC and NP have also been trying to make plans for this weekend, but we just seem to keep emailing around the topic and not setting anything definite. I'm hoping that maybe Hubby and I will get to have Monday home alone with BB (it's a long weekend!)
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