Monday, November 10, 2008

A Busy Day

Just a quick note about today!

We started BB with the avocado today. We had a bit of a rough start, because although the avocado was ripe, it wasn't mashing very easily. I tried the food processor but there wasn't enough to really work well, so then I tried the blender--another no-go, and finally DH used the mortal & pestle on it, which totally did the trick. I think BB ate more during the first 30 seconds than he did during the ten minutes that followed! He made some great faces, and his face, hands, and arms were covered in green slime! DH got some great pics! I then tried him with the sippy cup of milk. I think by the time I gave him that, he was a bit over stimulated and had just about had enough! I think I'll try the sippy cup again tomorrow, but maybe not until the afternoon, and of course, we'll try the avocado again in the morning.

My Old Girl had surgery today to remove a cyst (we think) from her back. She came through with flying colours, but is still a bit groggy tonight. We have to keep an eye on her incision, of course, to ensure it doesn't become infected. Hopefully the lump won't return. If it does, the lump that was removed will have to be sent away for analysis to determine whether it was cancerous or not. Keep your fingers crossed for my poor, sweet, old puppy!

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