Seriously, what is this world coming to? Have you heard about the Wal-Mart employee that was trampled to death when a crazy rush of people tried to take advantage of a sale? It's all over the news today.
I admit that I put far too much emphasis on material goods. That being said, I don't think I would ever put someone to harm in an effort to save a few bucks!
Since BB's arrival I find that I am starting to enjoy and appreciate the simpler things in life far more often. I feel like I'm a bit more in touch with a deeper part of myself and the world around me. I like this change in me.
I started my Christmas shopping last night. I bought a stocking for BB (I resisted buying the "Baby's 1st Christmas" stocking, and chose one that he can use year after year) a CD of children's songs for him, and an outfit. And to be honest, I don't plan on buying a lot more for him. I'd like to get him a good pair of shoes to wear as he becomes more mobile, and maybe a few books. I'll probably finish filling his stocking with necessities. I'm sure our families will buy plenty for him, since he is the first grandchild on both sides.
Speaking of BB's Christmas presents... I caved and bought some wrapping paper. But it's not what you think. DH made a good point... BB will probably be trying to eat the wrapping paper on Christmas morning. We'll obviously try to prevent it, but he suggested that we wrap BB's gifts in kraft paper so that we don't have to be quite so vigilant about him eating the dye from the normal gift wrap. I bought a huge roll of it last night for about three dollars... a lot less than I would have paid for the same amount of wrapping paper. Plus, I believe it can be recycled, wrapping paper cannot be. My resolution remains firm for the remainder of my gift giving - I still refuse to purchase wrapping paper or paper/plastic gift bags. When BB gets bigger and likes to colour, I'm sure he'll have a blast colouring on the remainder of the roll of paper.
Talking about BB has cheered me up a bit. I feel sad that he's growing up in such a crazy world, but I'll do my best to give him a social conscience. DH and I turned out to be decent people, surely we can raise BB to be a decent person too.
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