Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No title for this one

I feel as if I've aged 10 years since Saturday night.  I'm trying not to show my hurt (and now the anger that's starting to well up inside of me) towards DH, but it's there.  

This did give me a good belly laugh tonight, which I totally needed.  (Note, the top here is female, the bottom is male.  Looks like something I'd see with our crew.) 

BB's fifth tooth arrived today.  It's his top, front, right tooth.  I have a feeling this is going to be another night with more than one wake-up.  I can't complain though, if the night time wake-ups are the only side effect of his teething.  I was chatting on Facebook today with some friends, and one of them was talking about using Oragel on her baby's gums and giving him ibuprophen.  I can't imagine drugging BB.  Either he's a very good natured baby, or I'm incredibly tolerant.  I'm guessing it's the former.  


LLW said...

Sounds like you and DH still have some things to talk about.
I'm sending happy thoughts and hugs your way - I can only imagine the heartbreak you are feeling and how difficult that must be...

Sounds like you have a pretty special baby on your hands! :)

cuddles said...

Thanks, breathin'. Yes, there is definitely more discussion that needs to be had, but I'm going to not push it... I've found that it usually ends in disaster when I'm the one who tries to force it. It'll happen.

Special doesn't even begin to describe BB. :)

Independent Chick said...

Camilia (hope that's spelled right) by Boiron. All natural and it works wonders with the teething. You know how anal I am and I used it without hesitation. Hope this helps.

Hugs to you!!

cuddles said...

Awesome, thanks! I'll have to keep that in mind for the next round of teeth! :)