Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Living the truth, not the dream

H was over tonight. Then we had a good bedtime phone call. Lots of laughs and serious stuff too. Those are always the best convos.

At one point we were talking about the lack of happenings in my love life. He asked me if I actually wanted to date. I said yes, of course I wanted to. He said, "Well, besides me?" At that point, I explained to him that he's off my radar as far as dating is concerned. He seemed surprised. But really, why would I continue to consider him as a possibility when there is none?

Do I still feel the way I feel about him? Yep. But I'm no longer waiting for him.

The way we drifted back together after breaking up in February, then knowing that he was in the habit of drifting back to me whenever he and his last GF broke up, left me feeling like he was interested in me. Now that we've had the talk, I no longer am delusional.

It's sucky, but at least I'm living the truth now, and I'm still happy to have my friend back.

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