Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dinner in a box with insecurities

Had a great dinner out with H tonight. His girlfriend joined us after for a drink. As much as I hate to admit it, she's a sweetheart. I really liked her.

(Amusing side note: I caught myself coping with the initial stress of her being there by taking a huge swing of beer... and then wondered if anyone noticed.)

One thing that I did notice is that H is not himself around her. He's the P.C., professional, polite, somewhat showy person I met last January. That guy is a nice guy and all, but it's not who he is. He actually changed when she arrived. I watched it happen. It was almost as if he was nervous beforehand (or maybe just a bit apprehensive is a better way to describe it) about the two worlds colliding, and then switched into the personality I haven't seen in a very long time. Maybe it's just that that personality is who he is when he's in a relationship, but I have a hard time believing that. He called me after we all parted ways and one of the things he wanted to know was what I thought of her. I said that she seemed like a really nice person, and he was pleased that she received "the best friend seal of approval", as he put it. Me being me though, I had to point out to him that he changed significantly upon her arrival. We discussed it a bit... Maybe over time he'll become himself around her, and she'll be okay with the person that he actually is. I hope that is what happens; otherwise, I think that he will eventually feel stifled by the act that he has unknowingly created. I just want him to be happy. Is that crazy of me? I wonder sometimes...

I have a silly BB story to share tonight too. This isn't one of the most brilliant mothering moments I've ever had, but I'm going to share it anyway...
Sunday night when XH was here after returning BB from his weekend away, BB wanted me to read him a story. I assumed my usual story reading/snuggling position on the couch, and BB climbed up on my lap. However, as he was climbing up, he kicked me in the crotch by mistake. He got me right on the pelvic bone and it hurt like a mofo. I yelled out, "OMG! He just kicked me in the box!" I have no idea where this came from, since I've never used the word box in this sense before. Anyway, immediately after the words were out of my mouth I knew what was going to happen. "BB kicka Mommy in a box!" I couldn't help but laugh, but ultimately I just ignored it, and moved on with the story. This morning (two days later!) as we're snugging up to read our story, what does he start talking about? Oh yeah, kicking mommy in the box. This time again, I still couldn't help but laugh, but I had to explain that it wasn't nice of mommy to use that language the other night and that I'd like him to please not use that word either. Whoopsie.

And finally, my random thought for the night... Every time I read a passive-aggressive FB status update, without fail I wonder if I'm the one who has done something to inspire the person to post that status. It's all quite selfish on my part - really, why would it possibly be about me? Obviously, I must think the world revolves around me, if I wonder if every passive-aggressive status is directed at me. In reality, I know it's just my insecurities rearing their ugly heads. Does anyone else ever do the same thing? I'm curious...


The Original Princess said...

That BB story actually made me laugh out loud at my desk. Of course, it's not exactly what you want your sweet little boy talking about. But, really, it could have been sooooo much worse.

Haha...that was a good one BB.

LadyLipgloss said...

I am the queen of passive-aggressiveness on FB but I can assure you my statuses are not directed towards you. It's usually towards one person and they're too stupid to realize it's them. And no it's not my hubby. LOL

Anonymous said...

Did someone start a passive aggressive thread and not invite me?? I hear there's a Queen of Passive Aggressiveness... which is great, because I'm the King!

Of course, Twitter is my preferred outlet for passive aggressiveness... and I can assure you... you probably only make up 50% of those rants.... I'll let you figure out which ones are yours :-)


Or am I?

Yes, I am...

Well maybe...

Unknown said...

That story of BB is fantastic. Made me laugh today at work.

ML said...

C just looked at me funny because I laughed out loud at BB :) Too funny, you'll have to remind him of it when he's old enough to appreciate the funny!

cuddles said...

Glad to make so many of you laugh. :) I've caught him saying it a time or two since, but more to himself than to me, so I just let it slide.

@LadyLipgloss - Thanks for clearing that up - I had been worried about your hubby. Haha!

@Stephen - I've definitely suspected some of your tweets at various points were inspired by me. No need to pretend they weren't. ;o)

Independent Chick said...

BAHAHAHAHA BB made me laugh right out loud at my desk. Thanks for the giggle. : )